Halfways good
same with me, dear. :)
u seem to have a lot of enthusiasm for your studies and that's a really good thing. but please don't make the mistake to forget putting aside regularly all your study obligations. sure, studying is important, but sometimes relaxing and having fun is more important than studying. i'm sure u know about it - but sometimes, people get lost in working hard on their new tasks and can hardly realize that a burn out is coming. also workhorses need a break, so please keep a good balance and everything will be fine. :)
u are right. - as you already know, i'm working at different places in the world - what is good and bad. sure, this is a good opportunity to visit a lot of places, but it means also, that i'm far, far away from my family and friends what can be really ugly.
and i'd love to visit england again. but in these days, my job requires so much energy that i really don't have a chance of travelling. - and besides i found out that i really love my home and i really prefer staying at home for a good living (never thought i would say that :)) - i like this development instead of living hand to mouth or sleeping nowhere like a homeless.
regarding the hacker, sure it is obvious what's going on here .. and
i won't spend any more time on this - although i feel there are a lot of weired people around... somehow strange people... scary ... or maybe i'm getting weired, too. :D
greetings from mainhatten to downtown le.
take care
bye ya. ;)