Jap, das ist möglich.
- 16. Okt 2008
- Beitritt 5. Aug 2006
- 0 Diskussionen
- 23 Beiträge
- 0 beste Antworten
- lisa_12956904
Wenn er normal isst, sich nicht übergibt oder sonst was, dann wird er wohl auch keine Essstörung haben.
Es gibt nun mal Leute, die von Natur aus dünn sind.
Also mach dir keine Sorgen
LG - jazmin_11867140
Bitteschon ;)
Naja, es kann ja sein, dass sie erst sehr übergewichtig waren und dann Magersüchtig wurden und ganz viel abgenommen haben aber trotzdem noch normalgewichtig sind. Und somit ihre Tage auch noch bekommen.
Naja keine Ahnung ;)
LG ...
EDNOS ist eine Abkürzung für "Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified".
Unter diesem Krankheitsbild (spezifiziert unter dem Diagnoseschlüssel 307.50 des DSM-IV und dem Schlüssel F50.9 des ICD-10) werden jene Essstörungen zusammengefasst, die entweder eine Mischform aus Anorexie, Bulimie und Adipositas darstellen oder nicht eindeutig einer dieser Störungen zuzuordnen sind. Dazu gehören beispielsweise:
Frauen, die die Kriterien von Anorexie (Magersucht) erfüllen, aber noch regelmäßige Menstruationsblutungen haben
wenn alle Kriterien der Anorexie erfüllt sind, aber trotz deutlichem Gewichtsverlust immer noch Normalgewicht vorliegt (-> BMI)
wenn eigentlich die Kriterien für Bulimie erfüllt sind, aber Binge Eating-Anfälle oder inadäquates Verhalten nach dem Essen seltener als 2x/Woche oder über einen kürzeren Zeitraum als von drei Monaten auftreten
bei normalem Körpergewicht inadäquates Verhalten nach der Aufnahme normaler Nahrungsmengen (z. B. selbstinduziertes Erbrechen nach dem Essen von zwei Keksen)
große Mengen von Nahrung werden gekaut und danach ausgespuckt, aber nicht geschluckt
Binge-eating disorder (-> Binge Eating)
Von http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/EDNOS
- tess_12503670
Nahrungsergänzungsmittel haben meist nicht mehr als 2 oder 3 Kalorien.
LG - In Und ich ....
Wenn du dich wohl in deiner Haut fühlst ist doch alles ok. Du hast halt einfach nen sehr schnellen Stoffwechsel, sei doch einfach froh, dass du alles essen kannst was du willst. Die Leute die sagen du sollst zunehmen und mehr essen können dir doch egal sein, die haben doch keine Ahnung von dem was sie sagen.
Sorry, aber ohne die Haare zu färben kriegst du die nicht blond... ;)Magnesiummangel
Vielleicht hast du auch einfach nur Magnesiummangel, da gibts extra Tabletten für. Kannst du ja mal ausprobieren.Re
Link geht nicht...- chris_12576968
Gern geschehen ;) Re
Das kommt drauf an wie groß und wie schwer du bist.
Hier kannst dus selber ausrechnen
Naja, also ich ess auch Sachen lieber pur, ohne Soße oder so und hab generell einen sehr speziellen bzw. schwierigen Geschmack was Essen angeht und ich bin nicht essgestört.
Aber wenn sie sehr dünn ist, dann kann ich mir das bei ihr schon vorstellen...---
Das is von "Hirbod" und heißt "Tief getroffen"...
"ich freu mich total über die leckere gemüse brühe von rossman"
Wenn sie schreibt von Rossmann, wo wird sie die dann wohl gekauft haben...:)
Kommt drauf a
Das ist bei jedem anders, ich z.B. nehme zuerst an den Oberschenkeln ab und zuletzt am Bauch, bei dir kann das wiederum total anders sein...- sumati_12642314
Ups habn was falsch gemacht, jetzt stimmts...
You were right von "Badly Drawn Boy"
And you,
Were right to bide your time and not buy into my misery
Well the good things are never free
Do the colours of the rainbow look the same to everyone?
And I,
Was rushing round in circles for a reason to believe
Wipe the slime from off your sleeve
You could follow me for weeks
And I'm not going anywhere
Sometimes it's hard to love someone
Till the day that they are gone
And I
Just had a dream the other night
I was married to the Queen
And Madonna lived next door
I think she took a shine to me
And the kids were all grown up
But I had to turn her down
'Cos I was still in love with you
I'm turning Madonna down
I'm calling it my best move
I'll get her tickets to what she needs
I remember doing nothing on the night Sinatra died
And the night Jeff Buckley died
And the night Kurt Cobain died
And the night John Lennon died
I remember I stayed up to watch the news with everyone
And that was a lot of nights
And that was a lot of lives
Who lost the tickets to what they need?
And I
Was busy finding answers while you just got on with real life
Always hoped you'd be my wife
But I never found the time
For the question to arrive
I just disguised it in a song
And songs are never quite the answer
Just a soundtrack to a life
That is over all too soon
Helps to turn the days to night
While I was wrong and you were right
And this was a lesson learned
I'm happy to be your fool
And get you tickets to what you need
I'm turning the lights down low
I'm ready to make my move
I'll get you tickets to what you need:
Chemicals React von "Aly & aj"
you make me feel out of my element
like i'm walkin' on broken glass
like my worlds spinnin' in slow motion
and you're movin' too fast
were you right, was i wrong
were you weak, was i strong, yeah
both of us broken
caught in the moment
we lived and we loved
and we hurt and we joked, yeah
but the planets all aligned
when you looked into my eyes
and just like that
the chemicals react
the chemicals react
you make me feel out of my element
like i'm drifting out to the sea
like the tides pullin' me in deeper
makin' it harder to breathe
we cannot deny, how we feel inside
we cannot deny
were you right, was i wrong
were you weak, was i strong, yeah
both of us broken
caught in the moment
we lived and we loved
and we hurt and we joked, yeah
but the planets all aligned
when you looked into my eyes
and just like that
the chemicals react
the chemicals react
kaleidoscope of colors
turning hopes on fire, sun is burning
shining down on both of us
dont let us lose it (dont let us lose it...)
were you right, was i wrong
were you weak, was i strong, yeah
both of us broken
caught in the moment
we lived and we loved
and we hurt and we joked, yeah
we lived
we loved
we hurt
we joked
we're right
we're wrong
we're weak
we're strong
we lived to love
but the planets all aligned
when you looked into my eyes
and just like that
watch the chemicals react
and just like that
the chemicals react
(the chemicals react) ...
Hab maln bisschen geschaut, vielleicht ists ja eins von denen. Leider kommt "i was wrong and you were right" in ziemlich vielen Songs vor...
You were right von "Badly Drawn Boy"
And you,
Were right to bide your time and not buy into my misery
Well the good things are never free
Do the colours of the rainbow look the same to everyone?
Chemicals React von "Aly & aj"
And I,
Was rushing round in circles for a reason to believe
Wipe the slime from off your sleeve
You could follow me for weeks
And I'm not going anywhere
Sometimes it's hard to love someone
Till the day that they are gone
And I
Just had a dream the other night
I was married to the Queen
And Madonna lived next door
I think she took a shine to me
And the kids were all grown up
But I had to turn her down
'Cos I was still in love with you
I'm turning Madonna down
I'm calling it my best move
I'll get her tickets to what she needs
I remember doing nothing on the night Sinatra died
And the night Jeff Buckley died
And the night Kurt Cobain died
And the night John Lennon died
I remember I stayed up to watch the news with everyone
And that was a lot of nights
And that was a lot of lives
Who lost the tickets to what they need?
And I
Was busy finding answers while you just got on with real life
Always hoped you'd be my wife
But I never found the time
For the question to arrive
I just disguised it in a song
And songs are never quite the answer
Just a soundtrack to a life
That is over all too soon
Helps to turn the days to night
While I was wrong and you were right
And this was a lesson learned
I'm happy to be your fool
And get you tickets to what you need
I'm turning the lights down low
I'm ready to make my move
I'll get you tickets to what you need:
you make me feel out of my element
like i'm walkin' on broken glass
like my worlds spinnin' in slow motion
and you're movin' too fast
were you right, was i wrong
were you weak, was i strong, yeah
both of us broken
caught in the moment
we lived and we loved
and we hurt and we joked, yeah
but the planets all aligned
when you looked into my eyes
and just like that
the chemicals react
the chemicals react
you make me feel out of my element
like i'm drifting out to the sea
like the tides pullin' me in deeper
makin' it harder to breathe
we cannot deny, how we feel inside
we cannot deny
were you right, was i wrong
were you weak, was i strong, yeah
both of us broken
caught in the moment
we lived and we loved
and we hurt and we joked, yeah
but the planets all aligned
when you looked into my eyes
and just like that
the chemicals react
the chemicals react
kaleidoscope of colors
turning hopes on fire, sun is burning
shining down on both of us
dont let us lose it (dont let us lose it...)
were you right, was i wrong
were you weak, was i strong, yeah
both of us broken
caught in the moment
we lived and we loved
and we hurt and we joked, yeah
we lived
we loved
we hurt
we joked
we're right
we're wrong
we're weak
we're strong
we lived to love
but the planets all aligned
when you looked into my eyes
and just like that
watch the chemicals react
and just like that
the chemicals react
(the chemicals react)...
Versuch doch einfach sehr viele Kohlenhydrate zu essen und vielleicht solltest dus auch mal mit Muskelaufbautraining versuchen.
Viel Glück- In SPITZENmonat_12245708
Hast du schon Gel probiert?
Wenn das auch nicht hilft wirds vielleicht nur mit nem Glätteisen klappen. - In SPITZEN
Vielleicht sind deine Haarspitzen auch einfach kaputt, dann passiert das bei mir nämlich auch immer...