
  • 10. Sept 2006
  • Beitritt 3. Sept 2006
  • 2 Diskussionen
  • 5 Beiträge
  • 0 beste Antworten
    ja ich kann verstehen!
    ich bin 20 Jahre alt und ich studiere in Bologna!
    i've made my written exam on 30th of may and...23/30!!!my german's going good!!
    but in a forum it's different!you have to chat and understand EVERYTHING in your own language so it's not so easy! ;-)
    but it's wonderful to receive just one answer!!
    i want to ask you:have you msn messenger??
    and finally i'm giving you my personal nickname on italian gofeminin...the web addresse is alfemminile.com my nickname is unleashed and you cant take a look at my blog!can you express your opinion pls?
    :-) danke schon!!
    ps.the italian keyboard doesn't present the umlaut so... :-)
    pps.what's the meaning of Klatsch und Tasch????
    ppps.mistake-i think-! is the corret form Ich spreche deutsch SEIT etc...????

  • Hallo depressiv!
    i'm not german but i understand about the music!! ;-) ! i love black metal!my favourites groups of this genre are bathory and Conte Burzum...now i'm downloading smth of carpathian forest an emperor...cradle of filth are so beautiful and the video From the cradle to enslave is absolutely fantastic!!!
    hope in an answer!
    Herzlichen Grussen!
    ps. ich spreche deutsch seit acht Monate so...kannst du mir helfen mit der Sprache?? :-) danke schon!

  • ich bin ein italienisch Madchen und ich spreche deutsch bei acht Monate...Konnen Sie mir helfen ? :-) i'd like to meet german boys or girls for friendship and i need to talk in your own language 'cause is very interested!
    i wait your answer..thank you for your cooperation and have a nice time!
    yours truly
    ps.is there anyone who's studying in Bologna?i will have gone over there by the 12th of this mounth!