Hey Leute ich weiß es gibt darüber schon ne menge im Internet aber was hört ihr denn am liebsten wenn ihr traurig seid?
Das höre ich am liebsten wenn ich traurig bin:
Christina Perri - Jar of Hearts
Soundtrack von The Notebook
Sarah Barreilles - Gravity
Sarah Barreilles - Breathe again
Aloha from hell - Walk away
Hanna Pestle - Need
Hurts - Unspoken
Hurts - The Water
Leona Lewis - Broken
Katy Perry - Thinking of you
Florence & the Machine - Heavy in your arms
Sia - My love
Paramore - Misguided Ghosts
Lisa Lavie - Hallelujah
Pink - Glitter in the air
City and Colour - Sleeping Sickness
Plumb - Cut
Adele - Someone like you
Damien Rice - 9 crimes
Evanescence - Breathe no more
Mads Langer - The river has run wild
Kris Allen - I need to know
The Fray - Never say never
The Fray - Look after you
Sander Bohlke - The Weight of us
Lifehouse - Storm