Hallo liebe gofeminin Mitglieder,
meine Kolleginnen und ich arbeiten zur Zeit an unsere Masterarbeit und suchen nach Personen, die an unserer Studie teilnehmen koennen. Falls du innerhalb des letzten Jahres ein negative Ereignis (z.B. Scheidung) erlebt hast und zur Zeit arbeitest, wuerden wir uns sehr ueber deine Teilnahme freuen. Die Studie ist jedoch nur auf Englisch. Trotzdem waere es uns eine riesen Hilfe, wenn du teilnehmen wuerdest und/oder Personen kennst, auf die die Kriterien passen und teilnehmen wuerden.
Vielen Dank! ;-)
We are Marit, Laura, Izania, and Emma, students of the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, Netherlands, and are performing research in the field of Organizational Psychology under supervision of Prof. Dr. Arnold Bakker.
With our study, we want to investigate how people function at work after experiencing a major life event. Furthermore, we are interested in whether work can help in recovering from a major life event.
Are you 18 years or older, do you have a job, and did you experience a major negative life event (e.g. divorce, break up, death/searious illness of family member, being a victim of violence) during the last year? Please feel welcome to participate in our study.
In case you dont meet the conditions, please feel free to share our research with people who do.
During the study you will fill out short questionnaires every week on Thursday or Friday, for the next 5 weeks, which will take approximately 10 minutes per week. By completing all the questionnaires you automatically have a chance of winning one of 5 VVV vouchers (Dutch participants) or Amazon vouchers (international participants) worth 10,00.
Use the following link to start with the study (week 1) and read more about it:
We would really appreciate your help!
Thank you in advance!