Cognitive psychosis since 5 years
I want to give you an information not trying to take an antipsychotic cocktail, which doctors prescribe easily. Try to get treated only by one medicine, in my case it is seroquel, 2 times a day, 200mg.
Additionally I started a therapy with orthomolecular Therapy which is applied by Niacitol, a form of niacin, Vit.B3, which is very effective in supporting the brain function very well and since 1 month Brahmi, Himalayan Herbs, which is a indian herbal medicine, which also supports brain functioning extremely well even these complementary medicine has no side-effects as well.
I feel very comfortable now with that low-dose conventional antipsychotics and high-dose complementary medicine and I will switch totally to complementary medicine in the near future.
You know all the conventional medicine has long lists of severe side-effects and most of these medicines do not have a long-term experience before application, seroquel has no long-term experience. Please ask for that, even low-base dosis also affects side-effects as well.
I took in the beginning a lot of different antipsychotics like Abilify, which I stopped taking after having a total sexual blockade after half-to-one year of uptake. Be very sensitive due to side-effects and report anything to your specialist and take care that he supports you earnestly. Most of the doctors does not give you full information, so have to do that for your own. High attention you should take on a personal weight management as well as your doctor, if you take high dose conventional medicine.
If you have specific questions to me, don not hesitate to ask me, even in german!
Most cordial regards